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UGA Russian Language Summer Immersion Program - Intensive Russian for Future Global Professionals


The University of Georgia is offering an exciting opportunity to college students to develop their Russian language skills and cultural competence. This unique language program offers an accelerated curriculum that promotes and strengthens students’ understanding of Russian language and culture and connects language development with academic content via authentic written material and oral interaction in the target language.  The program strengthens speaking ability and advances reading and writing skills while integrating culture and current affairs.  UGA will not be offering a STARTALK summer camp in Summer 2024. Check back later about Summer 2025!


Program Overview

The University of Georgia is offering an exciting opportunity to college students to develop their Russian language skills and cultural competence. This unique language program offers an accelerated curriculum that promotes and strengthens students’ understanding of Russian language and culture and connects language development with academic content via authentic written material and oral interaction in the target language.  The program strengthens speaking ability and advances reading and writing skills while integrating culture and current affairs.  

The University of Georgia Russian Language Summer Immersion Program is designed to attract highly motivated undergraduate students who are committed to the long-term goals of extended study abroad in a Russian-speaking country and pursing global careers that require advanced and superior proficiency in Russian in professional settings. The intensive eight-week program is based on the theme “Intensive Russian for Future Global Professionals” and is designed to foster a national pipeline of global Russian-speaking professionals critical to the U.S. competitiveness and security. The program will recruit students from across the country with content-oriented curriculum organized around themes that integrate authentic Communication in all modalities, exploration of modern Russian culture, integration of disciplinary content, engagement with the Russian-speaking communities in/near Athens, and connections with students’ study abroad and global careers plans. 

This standards-based, 51-day long program covers RUSS 2011 Intensive Intermediate Russian I and RUSS 2012 Intensive Intermediate Russian II, at 4 credit hours each, and includes in-class instruction, evening and weekend cultural activities, and self-directed learning activities. UGA Russian Flagship Program students in good standing may be eligible for The Language Flagship Student Support Funds to mitigate the cost of participation. Because this highly intensive, engaging program will include classes, lab hours, tutoring, cultural activities, excursions, and group meals, and requires a high level of commitment on each student’s part, students are discouraged from taking on any additional commitments, classes, or jobs during the program dates.

Program dates 

May 14 – July 3, 2024.


Apply now

Application due March 1, 2024.


Contact Us

For questions and inquiries about the University of Georgia Russian Language Summer Immersion Program and to apply, contact the program director, Dr. Victoria Hasko, at or the program coordinator, Dr. Sofia Ivanova, at


Our mailing address is:

315 Aderhold Hall

110 Carlton St.

Department of Language & Literacy Education

University of Georgia

Athens, GA 30602

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